Zojing Originals

Cool Phrases

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908-If you don't like something, change it

908 - If you don't like something, change it



        917-Love like you have never been hurt

917 - Love like you have never been hurt



        918-The mind is like an umbrella, it works only when it is open

918 - The mind is like an umbrella, it works only when it is open



928-Silence is Golden

928 - Silence is Golden



        917-Love like you have never been hurt

919 - If you don't like something, change it



        941-Little drops of water make a mighty ocean

941 - Little drops of water make a mighty ocean



Sing as though no one is listening

939-Sing as though no one is listening



        Think Rich

914 - Think Rich




910-To have a rainbow there has to be rain



937-Live the Life You Love

937-Live the Life You Love



        916_I Trust in Life

916-I Trust in Life



        935- Go With The Flow

935-Go With The Flow




912-Health is Wealth



        905-No Worries

905-No Worries



        947-Love as though you have never been hurt

947-Love as though you have never been hurt



944-No Worries

944-No Worries



        902-It's not how you start but how you finish

902-It's not how you start but how you finish



        934-No Worries

934-No Worries



930-Live the Dream

930-Live the Dream



        907-Health is Wealth

907-Health is Wealth



        938-Dance Like No One Is Watching

938-Dance Like No One Is Watching

